Working as a rigger and an educator in rigging safety, I get to see all kinds of rigs, some great, many more not so much.  If I am involved in the system, I will do everything I can to make it the safest system it can be.  There is no show or class that is worth actually injuring yourself over.  The thrill is in the skill of the performer, and the implied danger.  Sure, aerial has risk, but there are many ways we can mitigate that peril.  Rated equipment.  Proper techniques.  Adequate training.  Sound supporting structures.

What really chaps my hide is when a school, a place that is supposed to be teaching proper technique, asks for my assistance and opinion, and then summarily ignores it because it would be expensive.  Such is the case with a school here in South Florida.  I was brought in to give an estimate on rigging several points in a facility, and after giving my figure they decided to just put some points up on their own.  "That's too expensive," I was told.  

How expensive will it be when someone DOES get hurt?  Quite a bit more than the cost of some rigging gear and a bit of math.  Whatever kind of point you have in your space, make sure it is rated.  There should be quantifiable numbers behind the equipment and the building as well.  And insurance - does your school have it?  Does it actually cover aerial?  And what sort of training do your teachers have?  Is there an emergency plan in place?  Don't assume that because aerial is taught there that everything is fine, ask questions.  Ask to see the documentation about the equipment, rigging, and who is maintaining the gear.  And if they can't or won't provide that for you, walk away.  "But he has done circus and circus shows for years!"  Not good enough.  "No one has ever fallen here before!"  Uh-uh.  "But the school down the street has the same rigging!"  Doesn't make any of it right!

Aerial arts are challenging, beautiful, and dangerous.  Do not take them lightly.  Make sure that your rigging is safe, the teachers are trained to teach (not just good aerialists, that is NOT the same thing), and the facility is adequately equipped.  Take photos, ask questions.  And don't take anything for granted.  There are lots of folks who will do the bare minimum they have to so they can make a buck.  And then there are those who work hard to make sure everything is done right.  Find the latter - I promise, it will be worth your while.  
